How can a single tool encourage your employees to adopt a softer mobility?

April 21, 2021

For a few years now, some companies have had to implement a Mobility Plan in order to promote more sustainable mobility among their employees. 

Let's briefly recall what the Mobility Plan  is. This plan gathers a set of measures aiming at optimizing travel related to professional activities. The aim of this plan is to reduce polluting emissions and road traffic, and the emphasis is placed on encouraging alternatives to the private car. 

Among the various points on which to act in the Mobility Plan, we find parking. Although at first glance it may seem that parking has no impact on employee mobility, this is not true! Indeed, a parking lot, when managed in an intelligent way, is a real cornerstone for your Mobility Plan. 

Parking allows employees to plan their mobility. By implementing mobility strategies that favor more sustainable modes of travel, you will encourage your employees to travel in a more eco-friendly way. 

In this article, we explain how to make your parking lot one of the highlights of your Mobility Plan. 

Defining your employees' parking needs

In order to define a sustainable parking policy to be implemented within your Mobility Plan, it is important to know the parking needs of your employees. 

Which employees have no choice but to use their personal car to get to the office? Which employees live nearby and could come by bike? Does your company's location allow employees to get to the office via public transportation? 

Find all the questions to ask yourself regarding the parking needs of your employees here. 

Defining the parking access granted to employees

Once you have all the answers regarding your employees' parking needs, you will be able to assign them different accesses within the parking lot. 

Your parking policy can be implemented via parking management software that will allow you to assign different parking quotas to your employees.

How do you ensure that these quotas are respected? An access system can be easily installed on your existing infrastructure. This access system will work in conjunction with the parking management software. 

How is this access allocation an asset for the Mobility Plan? Having an overview of the accesses they are entitled to, employees will be able to plan their mobility. They can therefore decide to use another means of transport than the car on days when they do not have a space in the company parking lot. 

In addition, it allows you to offer a better mobility experience to your employees.

Want to know if your current parking management provides a good mobility experience for your employees? Take this quiz and we'll let you know the result!

Ability to grant benefits for bike and carpool access

A parking management software is able to distinguish between different types of access: carpool access, bike access, private car access, etc.

Thanks to this distinction, you can grant "privileges" to employees coming to work by bike or carpool. For example, you can assure them that a space will be reserved for them each day in the company parking lot if they use these modes of transportation. 

This way, employees will be more likely to stop using their private cars to get to work, as they will not be guaranteed a spot in the parking lot as opposed to more sustainable modes of transportation. 



Thanks to a single tool, in this case a parking management system, it is possible to encourage employees to use less polluting means of transportation than the private car. 

The different functionalities of the software, such as access management and the definition of access quotas, allow for the implementation of initiatives promoting a softer mobility.

BePark is an actor offering this type of parking management software, why should you consider BePark for your Mobility Plan? We explain it all here: Why integrate a parking management system into your mobility plan with BePark?

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